Logistics & Transport


The global Aerospace & Defense Industry is experiencing an increasingly challenging situation. A&D companies are trying to overcome the challenge which comes in the form of frugal customers and increasing market competition. This prompts them to control costs and shift their focus from innovation. The long product life cycles and regulatory compliance are other concerns which A&D companies are looking to address effectively.

The industry is in need of innovation and to reach the goals of a next-generation enterprise they will need to take advantage of the key tenets that have been enabled through the democratization of technology. HCLTech can leverage those tenets to help A&D companies generate exponential changes to enterprise business systems through Human-centered design led platform solutions that eliminate waste through Autonomics (AI & Analytics), drive rapid change with DevOps, innovation through the ecosystem and generate new business models through IoT.


The global Aerospace & Defense Industry is experiencing an increasingly challenging situation.
A&D companies are trying to overcome the challenge.

Business Collaboration

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Engineering & Services

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Creative Minds

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Revenue Generation

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Business Segments

The Commercial Civil Aviation segment involves configurations like a Double deck, Twin-aisle, Single-aisle, Regional Jets, Props, Corporate, and Helicopters. The very nature of the aerospace business is constantly seeking solutions for the needs of the global economy but rapid innovations in technology in the last few decades have expedited the process.

The aerospace industry utilizes a tiered supply chain, with tier one companies supplying parts directly to OEM’s, level 2 companies supplying parts to a tier one supplier and so on.

This is a typical supply chain structure for an industry in which the final product is composed of many sophisticated components, subcomponents, and assemblies. HCLTech has thought leadership to help Aerospace and Defense companies address these challenges.

Our Services

We Are Offering All Kinds of IT Solutions Services

Clould & Devops

DevOps is the automation of agile methodology. The idea is to empower developers to respond to the needs of the business in n....

Data & Analytics

Cross-industry studies show that on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used in making....


Niraah is a leading expert in making use of digital technologies to change a business model and provide new revenue and value....

Enterprise Application Development

IT departments across the globe are seeking to deliver applications at speed and scale to meet key business objectives.....

Mobility Solutions

Businesses all over the world are constantly introducing the latest innovations and trends in their work patterns....

Robotics Process Automation

At Niraah we understand a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate....


Client Success

Technology solution

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Technology is changing every aspect of survival on the planet with an intention to give
humans a better tomorrow as compared to their today.